How to use coffee grounds as fertilizer

How can coffee ground be used as fertilizer?

Put the coffee ground to work by using it as a fertilizer. The benefit of using coffee grounds as a fertilizer is that it adds organic material to the soil, which improves drainage, water retention,...
How much coffee is healthy to drink daily?

How much coffee is healthy to drink daily?

There is confusion around how much coffee is good for you to drink daily or how much coffee is too much. Refer to the answer for how much coffee you can drink regularly and enjoy your...
Can coffee reduce breast size?

Can coffee reduce breast size?

Can your morning cup of joe actually make your breasts smaller? Do you enjoy your morning coffee, but worry about its potential effects on your breast size? This interesting question is answered in this post. 
How coffee can get you rid of puffy eyes?

How coffee can get you rid of puffy eyes?

While there is no miracle cure for getting rid of your under eye bags, you might be able to reduce them a little bit using used of unused coffee grounds. So next time you make...
Does coffee help protect skin from sun damage?

Does coffee help protect skin from sun damage?

Too much time in the sun? Take a break from aloe vera, and reach for coffee instead. Coffee can help protect your skin from harmful UV rays and can treat sunburns. Lets earn how.
Why can't I drink caffeine before donating blood?

Why can't I drink caffeine before donating blood?

Caffeine affects everyone differently. If this is the first time you are donating, refrain from the caffeinated drinks until you see how your body reacts to having a pint of blood removed from it. Get...
Does drinking coffee increase blood pressure?

Can Coffee Give You a Blood Pressure Surge?

There has been long-standing controversy around the impact of coffee consumption on blood pressure and heart health. Read to find out whether coffee affects your blood pressure - and whether you should consider dialing back your...