Top 23 Amazing Coffee Cultures From The World To Fall In Love

Top 23 Amazing Coffee Cultures From The World To Fall In Love


"You can't have a decent food culture without a decent coffee culture: the two things grow up together." said Adam Gopnik

Indeed, very accurate!

If there is something that can connect people and offer them a safe space to talk, it is one with a cup of coffee in hand. 

Offered in various flavors and varieties, coffee has grown from a simple beverage to an exotic refresher.

But the story of coffee doesn't end here.

For some, coffee might be just a drink, but for many, coffee is a culture, a way of life, a way to greet, and an expression of love and respect. 

Coffee culture is not new, but knowing the coffee history with insights on the global culture is perfect.

Indeed, around 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally every year, making 2.25 billion cups daily.

Fascinating, right! 

So, let's start with finding what coffee culture is and move ahead with our tour of coffee culture around the world.

Coffee Cultures To Embrace Globally

Coffee culture refers to customs and social behaviors surrounding coffee use, particularly as a social beverage.

There's a lot more to coffee culture than knowing what kind of coffee to order.

Coffee culture includes how you drink your coffee, expected behavior, and the social side of coffee consumption in many nations. 

Many countries have had a coffee culture for hundreds of years, while others are very new.

It's now time to start the world tour of coffee rituals for the most memorable experience ever.

1]  The American Passion

America is indeed the fastest growing country globally, and that's what the coffee culture in America depicts. 

Coffee culture in the United States is more linked with speed and quantity than with relaxation and enjoyment.

It has developed into human fuel, in contrast to its roots as a conversation enhancer. 

Starbucks' drive-through, fast-food, and widely popular aesthetic indicates that having coffee-to-go is the norm in America. 

Indeed, humanity runs on coffee is what America believes in. P.S - Around 62% of Americans currently consume coffee every day.

2]  The Brazilian Big Dream

To this day, coffee is one of the most valued commodities in Brazil, and hence one of the country's primary sources of revenue. 

Coffee is consumed at all times of the day, from getting up to retiring to sleep.

In Brazilian coffee culture, Cafezinho, which means 'small coffee,' is virtually a welcome greeting. 

Almost everyone in Brazil drinks the peculiar Brazilian coffee, which is ultra-sweet and bitter in flavor. 

Brazilians believe that you may receive free coffee anywhere you go in their country.

Coffee is the best medicine, as the coffee culture in Brazil would say.

3]  The Cuban Magic

In Cuba, coffee is at the heart of all social activities.

Cubans prefer strong coffee, whether it's first thing in the morning, after meals, or at any other time during the day. 

The Cuban's potent brew is served in shots and is best consumed while mingling or during business meets.

 While there is a significant coffee culture here, there aren't many cafés.

Coffee culture in Cuba brews Cafecito or Cafe Cubano; a strong espresso shot sweetened with demerara sugar for the classic taste. 

Trust me; coffee is always a good idea for social gatherings in Cuba.

4]  The Mexican Adventure

Mexican coffee is considered an essential component of the sobremesa, or after-lunch or dinner gathering when people usually talk and unwind after a delicious meal. 

Mexican coffee is traditionally prepared with tequila and liqueur. 

Mexican coffee ritual, known as "Café De Olla," is a spiced drink made with freshly ground coffee, cinnamon, and piloncillo usually brewed in earthenware. 

Getting a purrfect coffee is truly quick in Mexico.

5]  The Irish Thrill

Coffee culture is a developing phenomenon in Ireland, with more individuals stopping for a cup of coffee on their way to work. 

Irish coffee was invented to keep American tourists warm on a chilly winter night, and it is still as popular today.

 The coffee culture in Ireland is an after-dinner drink that combines hot coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar, and the crowd-pleasing whipped-cream topping. 

Coffee art is a widely regarded art form, so prepare to just brew it and enjoy it.

6]  The Vietnamese Love

Vietnamese coffee is rich and robust by using the Robusta beans.

A cà phê á (ice coffee) prepared with a drip filter is the most traditional coffee. 

Vietnamese people consider coffee culture to be an extension of themselves outside of their houses; hence they drink many cups of coffee throughout the day.

 Egg coffee (Cà phê trng), which is brewed with egg yolks, condensed milk, and coffee, exemplifies coffee culture in Vietnam

Honestly, good ideas start with coffee are true for Vietnamese taste.

7]  The English Discovery

In recent years, the coffee culture in the United Kingdom has exploded. 

The United Kingdom has been more of a melting pot for coffee culture, absorbing and expressing diverse cultural influences from its neighbors. 

Techniques and recipes from Italy, Scandinavia, America, and Australia have been included.

British coffee culture is heavily inspired by American popular culture, and cafés across the UK are strikingly similar to those in North America made to inspire positive thoughts

 As suggested by Billi UK, British people drink around 95 million cups of coffee per day.

8]  The Swedish Nomad

Swedish coffee culture has a long-standing "Fika" culture, which encourages casual social engagement with friends and family over coffee and cake. 

A Fika is a gathering of friends or coworkers for coffee and a cinnamon or cardamom bun at any time during the day. 

Filter coffee is the most common kind of coffee provided.

Believing coffee makes everything better is a crucial idea of coffee culture in Sweden.

9]  The Italian Bold

Coffee culture is only one of many social conventions that govern Italian life.

Espresso means 'quick' in Italian, and it is the most popular drink among Italians. 

In Italy, coffee shops are known as cafe bars, and it's worth noting that you won't need to ask for "a coffee to go" because that's how it's enjoyed. 

In Italy, coffee is more of a daily ritual than a source of caffeine.

So, if you have heard of death before decaf, the coffee culture in Italy depicts the same emotions.

Coffee Research suggests that 14 billion espresso coffees are consumed each year in Italy, and Italians consume approximately 3.7 Kg of coffee per capita.

10]  The Spanish Twist

For most Spaniards, the day begins with a café con leche.

Even in the mornings, mixing alcohol and coffee is a common occurrence in the coffee culture of Spain

The afternoon in Spain is similarly dominated by coffee culture.

Many Spaniards will take another cup of coffee after a leisurely afternoon lunch to continue conversing and digesting. 

So, if there is a place where you can say but first coffee, Spain it is.

11]  The Portuguese Dawn

Coffee is an essential aspect of Portuguese culture, and it is typically inexpensive and delicious.

It's nice to have a basic café or bica, a powerful shot of black coffee.

Coffee is a daily element of life in Portugal, with cafés on practically every street and espresso being the most popular drink. 

The famous term "Let's go for a coffee" perfectly defines the coffee culture in Portugal

A perfect place to find nature's love and coffee, Portuguese coffee culture is super friendly and unique.

12]  The Ethiopian Miracle

Ethiopia is the world's fifth-largest coffee producer. "Buna dabo naw," which roughly translates to "Coffee is our bread," is a popular Ethiopian coffee phrase. 

The brewing and serving procedure might take up to two hours, making traditional coffee rituals an essential aspect of the culture.

 As coffee is known in this country, Buna was traditionally served with salt or butter instead of sugar. 

So, if you want to wake up the lion in you, the Ethiopian coffee is perfect for you.

13]  The Iranian Way

Many coffee shops have sprouted up in Iran due to the country's prohibition on alcohol.

Though coffee culture in Iran isn't yet at its pinnacle, it has recently become a social beverage. 

Iran's coffee is akin to Turkish and Greek coffee, and it's a popular hangout for the young and powerful. 

But the inclination towards the concept of you, me, and a cup of tea is still high in Iran.

14]  The Turkish Royal

The Turkish coffee, known as "Turk Kahvesi," is prepared according to an old proverb: "As black as hell, as strong as death, and as sweet as love." 

The coffee culture in Turkey views coffee more like a dessert than a morning energizer.

 In Turkey, coffee is renowned as the "milk of chess players and intellectuals." 

In Turkish brewing style, water and coffee are heated together in a bronze kettle with a long handle over an open flame to get the ideal color, fragrance, and strength. 

Truly, coffee is liquid optimism in Turkey.

15]  The Malaysian Breeze

For millennia, Malaysians have been steeped in the culture of coffee consumption. 

The strong Malaysian coffee culture is reflected in "Old-style" Hainanese coffee shops, "kopitiams," and Malay-Indian eateries, or "mamaks."

Coffee, along with breakfast, lunch, and supper, is a staple at Malaysian cafés. 

Kopi beans are greener and less caffeinated than normal coffee beans making coffee nutty, creamy, and with great texture. 

With a perfect coffee ritual, here, the idea to insert coffee to begin the day is excellent.

During a survey, around 60.83% of Malaysian respondents stated they drink coffee regularly.

16]  The Denmark Kaffee

Because of its high consumption, Denmark has long had a strong coffee culture

Danish coffee consumption has historically been among the highest globally, maybe due to the harsh, gloomy Scandinavian winters.

Coffee is such an important element of Danish culture that you can find filled cafés on almost every corner, especially in Copenhagen. 

Also, cafés are full of people sipping steamy cups of "kaffee" on all sides of the road.

Having coffee in winters here is a fantastic feeling.

17]  The Arabian Nights

In many Arab nations, such as Saudi Arabia, coffee is served with strict etiquette, with the oldest member of the party being served first. 

Men usually exclusively drink with men while women usually enjoy the beverage at home.

Saudi coffee, known as "kahwa," is black, bitter, and has a cardamom taste. 

To cut the flavor of the coffee, it's generally served with sweet dates.

This coffee culture in Arabia is perfect for those who say, "I like coffee how I like myself, strong, sweet, and hot."

18]  The Greek Sweetness

Coffee must be the last thing that might come to mind when talking about Greece, but the coffee culture in Greece is quite strong. 

Traditionally, men used to go to the kafeneio and sip Greek coffee.

Women were not allowed in the kafeneio, so they drank their coffee at home.

Greeks still drink ibrik coffee, which is customarily served with a side of sweet "loukoumi," a starch-and-sugar-based delicacy.

"Siga, siga," which means "slowly, slowly," is the norm for both brewing and drinking Greek coffee. 

Coffee and good books in the amazing Greece climate are a deadly combination to try.

19]  The Japanese Jazz

Japan is known for its efficiency, discipline, and elegance, which extends to its coffee culture.

Japanese coffee culture has taken on a life of its own. 

Canned coffee is one common variant here.

Likewise, iced coffee and Morning Service, which includes complimentary bread/toast or eggs, are just a few of the intriguing options to try. 

Having a coffee here isn't about having a social discussion; it's about giving you a chance to quiet down and relax. 

Following a unique coffee culture, Japan has various perfect places for Coffeeholics who wish to have a silent place for relaxation.

20]  The Taiwanian Travel

Taiwan is a majestic and lovely nation with a unique blend of contemporary and traditional characteristics. 

For years it has been a place where tea was predominantly the most preferred beverage, but in recent years a change towards the coffee culture has been seen. 

The coffee culture of Taiwan is taken very seriously and is considered more of a professional and social gathering. 

So get your coffee parachute ready for the new dive. 

21]  The Korean Kappe

Coffee culture in Korea is unusual because it is at the heart of much of the country's social life. 

People search for other ways to spend time with their pals because apartments are small. 

The majority of the time, they will go to cafés.

Many unusual cafés, such as animal cafes, have grown immensely popular as a result of this.

There are coffee festivals across the country, including a big one in Seoul, and meetings for present and future café owners. 

So, if you want coffee and dogs around, Korea is your place for the best coffee culture visit.

22]  The French Connection

In France, drinking coffee is something of an institution. 

Large bowls of steaming drinks being served in the mornings, frequently with a pastry or tartine is the best coffee culture of France

Which, whether you like it or not, is commonly dunked into the coffee before a mouthful. 

In France, coffee etiquette is heavily influenced by Italian coffee culture.

People congregate at cafés as meeting spots and conversation hubs.

They also act as gastronomic hubs, with a complete menu as well as coffee and pastries. 

Having a cup of coffee here is equivalent to feeling you're coffee hot, which is great.

23]  The Indian Dreams

Tea is consumed by the majority of Indians, except Southern India, primarily Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. 

For years, traditional South Indian coffee, also known as filter coffee, has been consumed here. 

Filter coffee from South India is brewed in a unique metal contraption and served in a tumbler and dabarah.

 Although European-style cafés are springing up all over India's cities, traditional coffee, known as kaapi, and light foods such as vadas remain popular. 

The coffee culture in India is truly one amazing way to meet and greet people.

 And practically, a yawn is a scream for coffee in India, so every cup is a cup to fuel you. 

Statista suggests that coffee consumption amounted to over 1,170 thousand 60 kilogram bags across India in 2020.


When it comes to the coffee culture around the world, the fact that is common for every country is that it is the one that brings people together. 

Think about it; it's just a cup of coffee with your friends that can open up the door to various conversations and bring you close.

With a rich coffee history that traveled through various landscapes and changed over time, coffee options are varied globally. 

Knowing the cultural significance of coffee can bring people closer and together. 

Having the coffee inspired listings at home from different parts of the globe is a great idea to feel connected with coffee rituals amazingly. 

So, next time you wish to have a cup of coffee, remember what Jerry Seinfeld said:

"We want to do a lot of stuff; we're not in great shape. We didn't get a good night's sleep. We're a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup."


1]  What cultures are most popularly known for coffee?

Coffee is one of the staple drinks that is prevailing globally. But as far as the coffee culture is concerned, Brazil, America, Italy, France, India, and Ethiopia stand out.

2]  What is caffeine culture?

The traditional usage of caffeinated drinks as a critical moving element in society's social and economic spheres is caffeine culture. 

It refers to a social environment or set of social activities that strongly rely on coffee, notably as a social lubricant.

3]  How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

The amount of caffeine in various varieties of coffee varies. The caffeine content in a typical cup of coffee is 94.8mg on average. 

An espresso has around 63 milligrams of caffeine, while a regular latte contains about 77 milligrams.

The amount of caffeine in your coffee is determined by its size, strength, and kind.

4] Can you drink coffee while pregnant?

You may drink coffee while pregnant, but one should limit the quantity of caffeine to roughly 200mg, which is equal to about two cups of coffee.

5]  What are the different types of coffee beans?

Coffee beans are divided into two categories: Robusta and Arabica. Coffee Robusta beans are of inferior quality, are cultivated at lower elevations, and have higher caffeine content. 

Arabica coffee beans account for more than three-quarters of all coffee beans marketed worldwide.

They're called gourmet coffee beans and they only contain half the caffeine content of Coffee Robusta.

6]  What is the difference between filter and instant coffee?

Instant coffee is pre-brewed coffee that can be rehydrated by adding boiling water. It rapidly melts and becomes drinkable. 

On the other hand, filter coffee is created from ground roasted beans that are poured into a French press with hot water and then filtered to remove all except the freshest coffee.



Surbhi S Porwal - started her career back in 2015 as a banker. Belonging to the small-town of Mandsaur, she is an explorer, avid learner, and writer. 

She loves to write about small things that inspire a human and is fearless to share what she thinks. Following her passion for writing and crafting her thoughts, she left her job and followed her heart to write.

She also offers her services as a ghostwriter and content writer. Being a co-authors in various books and a contributing author in ”The Happy Boss Magazine”, she is moving ahead to fulfill her dream. She believes," Writing is all about satisfying and not about justifying."

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